Echo Valley Construction, LLC Foam
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Meet the ICF Block System

  • Standard/Straight Block
    - Allows you to build straight walls with added durability and strength.
  • Top Block
    - Provides maximum bearing surface at the top of your wall.
  • 90° Corner Block
    - Creates strong 90° corners with minimal time required and greater ease, accompanied by a bullet-proof corner tie.
    - SuperForm’s updated corner tie and bracket solve one of ICF installers’ biggest challenges: corner blowouts.
  • 45° Corner Block
    - Creates strong 45° corners.
  • Brickledge Form
    - Supports the installation of brick veneer on above-grade walls.
  • T-Block
    - Creates a T-corner, eliminating the need for additional support or adjustments.

Why choose ICF over wood as a building material?

  • ICF is an attractive building material that offers reduced costs and increased comfort for homeowners because it is energy-efficient, disaster-resilient, and comfortable.
  • Homeowners want to experience the affordable luxury of an ICF home that offers:
    - 60% less energy costs
    - A draft-free home
    - Fire, tornado, hurricane resistance
    - Peace and quiet

‘ICF is an expensive building material compared to wood-framed construction…’

  • The average home built with ICF is only 5% more than wood-framed construction and is a faster installation process than traditional ‘stick’ construction.
  • ICF basements are less expensive or on par with wood-framed construction at completion.
    - Click Here

Why do builders and installers trust SuperForm ICF compared to other ICFs?

  • Because SuperForm ICF is a stronger block that maximizes their time and budgets better than other ICFs, providing additional cost-savings to homeowners.
  • Learn more by downloading the SuperForm reference guide here:Click Here

What maximizes builders’ and installers’ time and budgets with SuperForm ICF?

  • SuperForm’s ties hold less square footage of wall per unit
  • SuperForm’s ICF block system is stronger, with more attachment points
  • SuperForm’s ties have a higher tensile strength
  • SuperForm’s ties withstand more lbs./inch when fastening

Why does this matter, and what product features make SuperForm ICF stronger?

  • 12” Tall Block
    - SuperForm’s red plastic tie flanges hold less square footage of wall per unit = stronger wall
    - A stronger wall = flatter wall
  • 6” Tie Spacing
    - More ties per block ensure the foam’s enhanced and fortified
    - More ‘studs’ = more places to attach to
  • Virgin Material of the Tie
    - The tie’s red, virgin polypropylene material exceeds strengths of over 850 lbs. in SuperForm’s tensile tests.
    - The higher and more consistent tensile strength of the SuperForm tie handles the pressure of the concrete better.
  • Thickest Tie Flange
    - SuperForm’s ties hold up to 330 lbs. off one 2-inch deck screw.
    - Ensures all wall attachments like kitchen cabinets and large flatscreen TVs will be secured, minimizing the feat of stripping screws.
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5% Discount on all in-stock items. The entire stock must be paid for in full in the Sale promotion time to qualify. Item must ship within 2 weeks of sale. Stock availability is limited. Please don’t miss these summer savings.

Start Date: August 1st

End Date: August 31st